Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cardinal Mazarin's Death

March 9, 1661

Alas, all of my hard work is starting to pay off. While Cardinal Mazarin was in hiding after escaping Paris due to the success of the Conde family in 1651 during the period of the wars of the Fronde, I was responsible for keeping him updated about the occurrences in his absence.  Cardinal Mazarin saw me as a mere agent. However, I proved him wrong and earned his liking, as well as an immense amount of wealth. To show my thanks to the cardinal, I published a letter denouncing the false attacks on his ungratefulness. Slowly but surely, I gained Cardinal Mazarin’s confidence and was trusted with his most important matters. A while ago, I drew up a memoire, which illustrated that of the taxes paid by the people not even half profited the king. I also brought to Cardinal Mazarin’s attention the mismanagement of the superintendent of finance. Today, Cardinal Mazarin passed away. His death has benefitted me, for I can now take his first place in the administration.
Nicolas Fouquet, on the other hand, has gotten what he deserves. By using his position as superintendent of finance to benefit his own wealth, Fouquet had put the state’s treasury in jeopardy. King Louis XIV finally arrested him after I had brought this issue to his attention. Fouquet’s failure pleases me, for I despise useless people who do nothing to benefit the state. I also advance due to his defeat. The king has come to trust me more and more.

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